Time for uprising!

Transmutation of “Right” to “Might” in an actual democratic system in pictures

Each person has the right to make decisions about her or his private and social life. Whereas humans live together, they should make decisions about their society together. This collective decision-making is called democracy.

Each member of society conveys her or his own “Right of sovereignty”. She or he participates individually in democratic process beside her or his other fellow citizens. The common purpose of individuals who participate in democratic process is to reach to “Common Righteousness”.

“Common Righteousness” contains right, justice and law for all society. The share of each citizen from “Common Righteousness” shall be Goodness that provides welfare and happiness to her or him. The democratic system works like a circle that in it one sort right (Right of sovereignty) enhances other human rights that are asserted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Direct democracy is depicted as follows:

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In practice the millions of citizens of a modern society cannot directly participate in decision-making. For that reason, representative democracy was invented as an alternative to direct democracy.

Naturally the result of representative democracy should be as same as direct democracy: “Common Righteousness” for all society and Goodness for each citizen.

Representative democracy is depicted as follows:

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Direct democracy or representative democracy should have same result, but they do not. Something strange happens in the ballot box.

Right (Right of sovereignty) goes into the ballot box by voters hands, and Might (= violator of right) comes out.

The result is no longer “Common Righteousness” for all society and Goodness for each citizen. Because of lack of these results, such process deserves to be called “Might-cracy”, not Democracy.

Representative Might-cracy is depicted as follows:

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Despite humans’ achievements in science and technology, human society operates according to “Might”. The best evidence for this claim is war. War is the ultimate violator of human rights and best sign of the dominance of “Might” among humans.

Representative Might-cracy and Classical Might-cracy have the same result. Both of them deprive ordinary citizens of their rights.

Classical Might-cracy is depicted as follows:

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However the Representative Might-cracy is better than Classical one, but both of them are violators of human rights. Principally compare between bad and worse forces human to choose bad one, but bad cannot provide human rights properly.

Only surveillance of each individual citizen from election to legislation with right to take abusers to court (judiciary branch) can prevent distortion of “right of sovereignty”.

An individual citizen has right to exert his right of sovereignty and see its result in form of “Righteousness” for all society and Goodness for himself.

The individual surveillance is depicted as follows:

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The main purpose of participation in a democratic decision making process is for each individual, exerting her or his right of sovereignty to ensure “Common Righteousness”, justice and law for all society.

Any factor that disturbs this natural process destroys citizens’ right of sovereignty and freedom because freedom is ability to use and exert the rights by choosing necessary moral devices. Also the having access to Justice, when the rights of individual are ignored, abused or violated by other individual(s) is an inevitable attribute of freedom.  

For this reason, the process of enhancing of right of sovereignty to “Common Righteousness” and thereafter to Goodness shall be protected against everything that can disturb this process, because right of sovereignty after right to life is the most important human right. It can provide almost all human rights that are asserted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Right of sovereignty is sacred like the right of life.

We shall make a political system in which no one can break the halo of sacredness around the democratic process and deprive citizens of their freedom. 

The necessary halo of sacredness is depicted as follows:

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