Time for uprising!

An open letter to Judiciaries worldwide

To the Members of the Judiciary

Serious dangers threaten life on Earth. Extreme climate change, war, terrorism and poverty push us toward extinction. Our scientists and international organizations have frequently warned us about this dangerous situation.

Researcher at Stanford, Princeton and Berkeley, have said: “The Earth has entered a new period of extinction, and humans could be among the first casualties.”

The London Zoological Society says: “World wildlife populations halved in 40 years.”

We must change our behavior before we reach the point of no return. The deepest change is moving from atmosphere of “Might” as violator of rights to atmosphere of “Right” where right, justice and law have their proper meanings.
For changing the atmosphere the intervention of philosophers and the judiciary is necessary. Philosophy in theory and Judiciary in practice can open the gate to a new era for mankind: the age of “Right.”
The philosophers can cast a spotlight on “Right and Might” by defining both clearly, untangling complicated issues, and suggesting solutions.
The judiciary with its thousands of judges, prosecuting attorneys and other lawyers can protect “Right” from violations of “Might.”

The most important obstacle to changing the atmosphere from “Might” to “Right” is lack of political wisdom in governance. This irresponsibility is a symptom of the lack of wisdom that has made the governments as first violators of human rights, even in democracies. They not only ignore the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but also violate their own constitutions without fear of prosecution by people.
The governments more and more enact financial laws that protect the interest of big companies. They enact false and façade laws that favor the rich. With manipulative laws they are widening the gap between rich and poor.
The combination of political power and greed of big companies created a dangerous situation that could extinguish human life. We should not forget just 90 companies caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions. The interests of big companies request actual political system would be remained intact.
Political power and the greed of big companies have ignored the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and democratic constitutions, without answer to justice. Such people can violate any other treaties and laws that want to stop global warming and climate changing. The actual situation allows them plunder nature and for preserving actual situation, they are ready to destroy the life on Earth.
Citizens have the right to prosecute everybody including politicians who deprive people of their human rights. Each individual who finds politicians’ cheats can sue them. This measure will change the course of history by allowing us to pass from atmosphere of “Might” to atmosphere of “Right.”
I wrote about “Might” and “Right” in my book, Right and Might / An Introduction to Philosophy of Right , and will pay more attention to other aspects of the subject, in articles that I will publish on website Map of Way (
In my philosophy an individual has human rights. The individual human sits at the center of the cosmos. We cannot ignore or violate an individual’s rights and claim that we are protecting society’s rights or our national security.

What threatens our security is violation of human and animal rights and what guarantees our security is respect for life and rights.

I hope our fellow citizens on Earth dare to bring injustice to the attention of their national judiciary, and you don’t reject their complaints with this excuse that elected politicians have immunity.

The right to life is human basic right and it is matrix of all human rights.

Now, our survival as a species is at stake. We need to redefine the accepted concepts that once were defined in atmosphere of “Might.”

The destiny of life on the Earth depends on your measures to establish right, justice and law, in atmosphere of “Right.” We are faced with a critical question: “Might” or “Life”, which makes right?

Bahman Azadfar

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